Some people believe that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?

         I agree with the view that children should learn some skills while they are very young, but if the content is about school stuff, I am against it. Young children are not mature enough to learn complicated things such as math or composition, but I think we can give them an environment full of humane and creativity.

         In Taiwan, parents care how their children learn, and they are afraid their children are getting behind in the beginning. If parents force young children to study, the children may think studying is a tough task and feel pressured. Then, the children would be not interested in learning new things voluntarily. Children should learn in a situation with game or fun. If they can study and play at the same time, I believe they can learn happily while learning.

        Children should contact the aspects experience subjects related to art, music, dance, sports and so on when they are young. You can find out that many people have potential on in the fields which they have touched came into contact with in the childhood. If children have chances to learn many kinds of accomplishments, they are like the seeds. One day, they have more chances to grow strongly compared to some people who never touched these fields.  


           Art, music, dance and sports are all good for young children, and people should catch the best timing while learning them. If people miss the critical period, something important can’t be handled well afterwards. All in all, learning should be accompanied with joy and some specific subjects need the right time to be explored 

           We can introduce the happiness about learning to young children, just as an old Chinese saying says,” Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”


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