目前分類:英國 (18)

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Day 15

July 21st倫敦(London)


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Day 14

July 20th倫敦(London)


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Day 13

July 19th溫莎(Windsor)


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Day 12

July 18th 格林威治(Greenwich)

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Day 11

July 17th 蘇黎士貝里(Salisbury)

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Day 10

July 16th 巴斯(Bath)

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Day 9

July 15th 利物浦(Liverpool)

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Day 8

July 14th 湖區(Lake District) 安布塞德(Ambleside)、格拉斯米亞(Grasmere)

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Day 7

July 13th 湖區(Lake District) 溫達米爾(Windermere) & 波尼斯(Bowness)

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Day 6

July 12th 愛丁堡(Edinburgh)

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Day 5

July 11th 蘇格蘭高地(Scottish Highland)

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Day 4

July 10th 愛丁堡(Edinburgh)

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Day 3

July 9th 約克(York)

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Day 2
July 8th  劍橋(Cambridge)

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Day 1

July 7th 倫敦(London)

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July 6th
Sandy, Blessing, Scorpi, Liling

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July 4 大致定案,邊玩邊做修正

*7/7 Day 1(二)
台北(Taipei) 倫敦(London)步行前往YHA London Central

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This is my second time to come to Europe, and the first time in England.
So far the trip is a wonderful one which I enjoy a lot.
We have travelled many cities and towns here, and each of the cities has its own pace.

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