The Effect of Divorce
In this rapid growing society, people usually make decision quickly but they don't think it over about what they have done seriously. Thus, when people realize what they've done is wrong, they regret it. Sometimes, they only think about themselves only, so that hard will happen to other people. Getting divorced is an appropriate case to look into the problem.
Divorce may be good to some people, but it for sure it will bring has brought people dark bad effects if people cant face it them with a healthy mind. It depends on the attitude what people have. We can see that many movie stars or singers who regard divorce is as nothing, but I think it is a model of irresponsibilityies.
Many people get divorced because that can't get along with their spouse peacefully. If we put personal issue aside, I think many people lack of patience to communicate, but and have too much self-esteem. Therefore, if the divorce rates goes higher rises higher every year, there may be illnesses in people's heart. The effect of divorce sometimes are bad, but if people feel comfortable to divorce, I think divorce may be a relief. As long as it doesn't hurt people, I am for it.
- Dec 25 Mon 2006 09:13
essay 6- The Effect of Divorce