Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places

     In 2007, Hong Kong has enforced the law that people can't smoke in public places, such as in a park, a restaurant, a building, or on aboard, etc. This is a bad news for people who used to smoke a lot, but on the contrary, it is quite a good news for most people.

   Public places mean locations where many people stay. In a disclosed space, such as in an office, a theater, a restaurant, or on a bus, it is easy for people to feel sick if there are too many people in it. If someone smokes in that space, there will be air pollution and makes the air worse. Before, we can't couldn't ask the smokers to stop finish smoking because that is was his will. But now, we can see some posters saying "No Smoking"on the walls. It means that more and more people care about this issue. In Taiwan, though so far we don't have the laws to prohibit people from smoking everywhere, but we can talk to ask the smokers to stop smoking because we have the rights to protect ourselves.

     Smoking in public places makes causes the air pollution, force people to inhale second- hand smoke, and threatens our health. Second-hand smoke is more dangerous than what smokers inhale. Why should we have to endure the bad smell and have bad effect on us? It is quite unfair.

     I hope Taiwan's government can quickly/ soon have a law to protect its citizens from smoke quickly. Smoking is not only is a bad habit, but also affects people's mood, appetite, and health. Prohibiting people from smoking is impossible, because there are still factory producing cigarettes. When we are talking about smoking in public places, things are different. Everyone should cooperate to refuse the second- hand smoke.

Comments: Good essay, but the ending isn't too fluent or clear in expressing your thoughts.


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