My Prince Charming

     Every girl has her prince charming in her mind and the Mr. Right may be just like what people imagine, but most of the time, the one you get married to is not exactly what the one  you wanted at the beginning. Anyway, forget the realistic one and start to fancy now.

     My prince charming must be a male and he should be masculine. I appreciate the man who has a careful mind though he is masculine, instead of a sissy man. In addition, there are many family tragedies happening everyday in which many terrible fathers don't take their responsibilities to care for their families. So my prince charming must have a nice job and he makes more money than I do. In a family, economic income is a very practical issue that may influence many aspects of living.

     Furthermore, my prince charming is knowledgeable and optimistic. He is interested in many fields though those are not his specialized fields. Being curious is such a good thing because having this learning attitude, you won't get bored in your life. Everything is always new for you. About his specialized field, he is good at it and quite interested in his job. Not like women, men's moods are more stable. My prince charming is always good at controlling his temper and won't be affected easily.

     The last and the most important point of all, he must be good to me. He should supports me all the time, especially when I am down. He knows how to comfort me and give me a hand whenever I need. He is romantic and remembers the anniversaries and the important days.

     Those are the characteristics about my prince charming. He is attractive, isn't he? 

Comments: Good!


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