
I can't believe I have arrived at Boston. When we (An-Hui, Cindy and me) went off the plane from San Francisco, teacher Tan and June were standing there to pick us up. It was 10:30 in the evening. Unfortunately, An-Hui and Cindy's luggage were lost! The plane we took didn't bring their luggage in time when we changed the plane in San Francisco.

We hadn't taken a bath for 2 days!! What I wanted to do most was bathing, but I couldn't. The two poor girls were sad about losing their luggage in the foreign country. I had no idea to comfort them. Teacher Tan said they would find it eventually so didn't have to worry about.

We took Teacher Tan's van to Walnut Hill School in Natick. June was a student there in her high school life. She is very beautiful and she looks like a female actress-徐若萱 She said there were more than 40 people said the same to her. : ) Now she is studying her MA in Yale University.

It took almost 1 hour to go to the school I would live during the music camp. I was so excited! This year Boston is under construction so it is some ugly, not as beautiful as the scene in the postcards.

Finally, we arrived at the school. Though it was dark (very late,) what appeared in front of me was a beautiful building-Stowe. It is my dorm! Everyone of us have a single room. Only we 3 arrived so we could choose first. : )
That night, I was so tired after unpacking my luggage and took a great bath. I slept so well until 9 AM in the next day.

I didn't have the problem about jet lag. An-Hui didn't sleep for 5 days because of worrying about her luggage. Most of her money and the music were there. It was really a terrible thing.

June took us to the downtown of Natick to buy clothes for them. Monty came that day. Most of the time we stayed in Highland (the practicing room) for the coming audition.

I went to bed early everyday. I don't know why. When it came to 10:30, I started to be sleepy. So I didn't see my classmates on the second day. Cindy said they were very noisy when they came, but I didn't hear anything. :p

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