Lottery is a popular activity in every country and most people desire to win the lottery even though there is only one chance in their whole life. "Hitting the jackpot” "means that you can reap without sowing. Some people are lucky enough and can get a large sum of rewards from the lottery; on the contrary, the majorities won't get any rewards despite they put how much money and effort on it.
If I had the chance to hit the big jackpot, for example, 1 billion NT dollars, I would spend quarter of the money to treat my relatives and close friends to travel wherever they wanted to go to. Quarter of the money will would be donated to some foundations for the sick people. Donate The other quarter part to the performing art institutions and save the rest.
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My Prince Charming
Every girl has her prince charming in her mind and the Mr. Right may be just like what people imagine, but most of the time, the one you get married to is not exactly what the one you wanted at the beginning. Anyway, forget the realistic one and start to fancy now.
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Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places
In 2007, Hong Kong has enforced the law that people can't smoke in public places, such as in a park, a restaurant, a building, or on aboard, etc. This is a bad news for people who used to smoke a lot, but on the contrary, it is quite a good news for most people.
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Playing In an Orchestra
Playing in an orchestra is a great learning progress, no matter what musical instrument you are playing. Even if the instrument is the vocal cords, you still can work with an orchestra. An orchestra needs many types of instrumentalists and the spirit- a conductor.
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不用任何傳輸線就可以快速傳送照片 音樂
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Food and People
People’s personalities are reflected in the kinds of food they eat. Some people like to eat fast food fast, and some like to eat slowly with in a nice atmosphere. Some love to bite meat, but some are vegetarians. We can know a little information about a person by observing his eating habits so we may category them into many groups, such as, fast-paced or slow-paced, casual or serious, organic or unhealthy.
People who like to eat instant noodles, hot dogs, hamburgers, French fires fries, are mostly young people. Young people usually love to eat at MacDonald’s and KFC. These foods are heavy- heavily flavored. Besides, you can buy them conveniently even when you are driving. They are the best choices for people who don’t have enough time to sit down to eat. If a person who is always in a hurry and doesn’t think eating is an important issue, he may eat quickly and choose this kind of fast food.
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The Effect of Divorce
In this rapid growing society, people usually make decision quickly but they don't think it over about what they have done seriously. Thus, when people realize what they've done is wrong, they regret it. Sometimes, they only think about themselves only, so that hard will happen to other people. Getting divorced is an appropriate case to look into the problem.
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Holidays in Taiwan date: 2006/12/24
There are many holidays in Taiwan. Mainly we can categorize the holidays in Taiwan in 3 parts. One is to memorize the great Chinese people, one is for Chinese cultures and customs, and another one is from western country's cultures, which has influenced Taiwan a lot. Some of them are quite important, for instance, Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, Christmas, Mid-Autumn Festival, Ghost month, Teachers’ Day and so on.
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Television in Taiwan
50 Fifty years ago in Taiwan, not all families had a television set, and only rich family could enjoy the convenience of this technology. The oldest first TV we had was not colorful, but only 2 colors -black and white. At the beginning, only 1 channel could people be watched by people. Step by step, there were 2 more TV companies established. Thanks to the swift development, now we have hundreds of TV channels to watch. How lucky we are! We have news programs, children's entertainment, quiz shows, soap operas, and so on.
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今天早上比了合唱縣賽,在吵雜的觀眾席每隊聽起來都不分軒輊,每隊的發聲法都是正確且漂亮的,取決的關鍵,我想就在音樂表現方面-樂曲的起承轉合,這點我很缺乏。: ( 比賽時,稍稍有一點瑕疵,就差很多了,這在後來回家聽錄音,就可以很清楚聽出每一隊的缺點。
第三名跟我們唱同一首指定曲,他們的詮釋和譜上建議的速度不符合,加了很多rubato, 但卻有他們的特色,聽的出來下了很多功夫,此外,咬字清楚,每一個音節都唱的非常清楚,每條樂句都細細雕琢過,伴奏也伴得很好,除了是彈得好之外,也配合的很棒!不過,我覺得我們詮釋的雖然沒有那麼精細,但是卻比較自然,雖說音樂需要經營設計,但是太誇張的expressive,卻壓的人喘不過氣來。
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The Danger of Drunk Driving
We all know that the traffic law says that we cant drive after drinking alcohol or drink alcohol while driving a car. In Taiwan, even every elementary school students knows it, but pitifully, many adults still dont think it is a big deal. Thus, many people are not safe on the road in spite that he is the one who has to follows traffic rules.
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The Most Beautiful Woman in the World
The most beautiful woman in my mind is Audrey Hepburn. She was born in Belgium. Same as the famous female- Anne Frank, they both were born on the same day and had a miserable childhood. How I knew Audrey Hepburn was from the movies” The Fair Lady” and “Roman Holiday.”
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